Net Zero Plans

Emissions at Paraway

To deliver climate impact aligned to global efforts by 2030 and 2040, Paraway has developed a reduction pathway in line with requirements for the livestock industry.

Paraway Emissions Baseline

Paraway Baseline Emissions 2021

Paraway calculates its emissions using the University of Melbourne’s Greenhouse Accounting Frameworks (GAF) for Australian Primary Industries. The GAF tool is developed specifically for the Australian market, aligning with the Australian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory.

In 2021, Paraway’s baseline emissions were 443,364 tCO2e on a gross basis within Scope 1 and 2 boundaries which was comprised of:

  • 95% relating to Paraway’s livestock emissions.
  • 3% linked to emissions associated with fertiliser use in crop farming.
  • 2% from diesel and electricity purchased to run on-farm operations.

As total livestock emissions change more with stocking rate, livestock emissions at Paraway are considered on an intensity basis to accommodate changes in the scale of operations. Furthermore, to account for seasonal and climate volatility effects on production and a variable sales and purchase program, Paraway’s methane intensity figures have been elected to be assessed on a 5-year rolling averages. In 2021, Paraway’s livestock emissions intensity was baselined at 12.88 kg CO2e/kg on a 5-year average since 2017.

Independent expertise is used to assist in modelling sequestration opportunities in line with industry standards.

Note: All emission sources have been converted to carbon dioxide equivalent as a common denominator.

Note: Agricultural emissions accounting is still immature. Paraway endeavors to use the most appropriate tools and frameworks available, and as the agricultural emissions landscape evolves, we may alter our approach, as appropriate. Paraway continue to research the most appropriate accounting, monitoring and calculation tools and is working with industry groups to develop better tools for emissions accounting.

Note: To verify the integrity of our emissions baseline, an independent third-party auditor provided assurance of emissions inputs.

Emissions Reduction Target

Global Emissions Reduction Targets for Livestock Producers

Paraway seeks to align to global efforts to limit temperatures to no more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) Forest, Land and Agriculture (FLAG) guidelines provide specific targets for emissions reduction in the agricultural industry reflecting differences the nature of its emissions.

The SBTI FLAG targets are developed on the basis of global average livestock emissions and despite operating with low intensity levels, Paraway has ambitiously adopted SBTI aligned targets:

  • Emissions intensity associated with livestock farming and should be reduced by 30% by 2030.
  • Non-livestock emissions in agricultural enterprises should be reduced by 35% by 2030 and further by 55% by 2040 on an absolute basis.

Global Methane Pledge

Paraway has additionally committed to the general principles of the Global Methane Pledge on a best endeavours basis aiming to achieve a 30% direct reduction in methane emissions intensity by 2030.

To achieve this goal the livestock industry will require new commercially viable emissions reducing technologies and practices. While designed on a national-level ambition, the Global Methane Pledge is a catalyst that stimulates Paraway to identify, promote, trial and adopt emerging technologies and drive accelerated industry focus.

Note: Paraway is operating in accordance with SBTi for beef commodities however specific guidance has not yet been released for sheep meat or wool.

Note: The SBTI guidance reduction target for emissions intensity associated with livestock farming is 24% and for non-livestock emissions is 35% by 2030. Paraway has set more ambitious targets above these.

Note: The methane pledge is a collection of general principles approach on a direct emission reduction basis while the SBTI Flag emission is set upon an intensity basis for beef commodities and incorporates use of insetting/offsetting.

Note: Non-livestock emissions include all crop, fuel and electricity emissions.

Paraway’s Emissions Reduction Plan

Paraway has formed a reduction pathway to align to global targets and industry standards. Paraway will seek to:

  1. Directly reduce its scope 1 emissions intensity by focusing on herd productivity improvements and monitoring step-change developments in methane mitigation methods.
  2. Develop renewable capabilities to replace existing diesel infrastructure and procure any grid electricity inputs from renewable sources.
  3. Develop carbon sequestration projects using natural landscapes to inset any residual emissions to 2030 and 2040 targets.

Paraway’s farms span the east coast of Australia with different production systems, and emissions profiles, on each farm. Paraway’s emissions abatement ambitions are set at the company level, and it is expected that each individual farm will make a different contribution to emission reduction, reflecting its unique environment and operation.

However, general principles are applied across all farms reflecting three key levers in Paraway’s emissions reduction trajectory:

Key Areas

Principles for Emissions Reduction

Livestock Emissions

Producing more per unit of emission by endeavouring to ensure all animals are productive, with a focus on pasture quality, herd management, animal health, reproductive success, and low stress management.

In the future, we expect methane abatement technologies (including supplements) to provide viable options to reduce methane emissions from livestock. Currently, the options available are not financially viable, nor is there any agreed methodologies to calculate the emissions reduction from these technologies. Paraway remains actively involved in research and trials.

Fossil Fuels

Reduce fossil fuel usage by improving efficiency and transition to renewables on station where possible. Every Paraway station’s generators, pumps and vehicles are assessed for suitability for conversion to renewable energy alternatives.

All energy purchased on-grid is subject to a green Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA).

Carbon Projects

Paraway continues to assess its portfolio for potential to sequester carbon today or in the future - in particular, considering soils and landscapes.

Paraway prioritises reducing its emissions utilising commercially viable initiatives with an intention for residual emissions to be inset via biogenic insets from sequestration.

Emerging technologies will be essential to reduce livestock emissions and Paraway participates in trials of new operating practices and technologies.

Note: Paraway has identified these opportunities to reduce the emissions intensity of its operations current as at 2024. Paraway’s mix of decarbonisation opportunities is expected to evolve as new industry technologies and innovations develop and Paraway will adapt its solutions where appropriate.

Emissions Abatement Across Paraway Assets

Emission reductions on three farms representing key parts of Paraway’s portfolio are extracted here to provide insights on the station-level: